Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Day After Valentine's Day!

Had some technical difficulties yesterday getting these loaded (okay really I lost my cord to hook my camera to my computer) but better late than never.  The 5th graders were deemed to old, much to my dismay, to hand out Valentines so Michael was kind enough to pose with the after school snack I made them so he could be in the post to!  Daddy was working last night so I got to spend it with 4 of my favorite people on this earth!  We had lasagna and watched a movie together and had a wonderful evening!!


  1. What cool ideas! Happy Day after to you too!

  2. love those Valentine's! What did you have the kids hold to get the pose right? Very creative Mom, you are!!

  3. I only had to take one picture of Jack. I took several of Olivia, but Carter was probably the most difficult. I would position his hand, back up to take the pic and he would turn it. They were lots of fun, but I cannot take all the credit as I had seen them on another blog I read.
