Last night we attended the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet. We attend every year but this year was special because Michael moved from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts during the banquet. The boys also received their Arrow of Light as well! This is a great accomplishment and he is really looking forward to being in Boy Scouts. He is looking forward to getting his Eagle Scout already and what he has to do to earn his merit badges! They need around 21 required merit badges to earn their Eagle Scout award, however their are 120 or 121 badges total they can earn. Although it is very unlikely a scout will earn all of the badges, if you know Michael, you know he wants to try. So we may be hitting up some of you in the future for help in getting these accomplished. Most all of these badges have 4 of 5 parts with 2 or 3 subparts in each of those. In first grade Michael's group started as Tiger Cubs with 12 boys. Yesterday only 2 of the original boys crossed over in addition to one boy who joined them the second year! Now of course Jack is excited to become a Boy Scout in the future as well. He has 2 years left. Another right of passage I suppose is that both of the boys will be going to camp the 3rd week of July this year. Michael will go to Boy Scout camp Sunday-Sat, and Jack will be going to Cub Scout camp at the same camp that Monday-Thurs. Neither of them have been to camp before but I am sure they will have a great time!! Since Michael has been away from home before Jason will be spending most of the time he is their with Jack. Jason is going since he is both of the boys' leader. I am also proud of Jason, as for they last 5 years he has been Michael's leader and last 3 years Jack's. It means a lot to the boys that even though he works 70-80 hours a week he still finds the time to do this for them! Jason is also looking forward to Boy Scouts now too. He cannot WAIT to take Michael on a High Adventure. Jason was 13 when he went with his scout trip on a hiking trip in New Mexico. I look forward to all the adventures having 3 boys will bring us in the future!!

Jack's Cub Scout Den
Michael's Den
They boys after they received their Arrow of Light
Michael "crossing over" into Boy Scouts with the help of the other Boy Scouts
They are now officially Boy Scouts!
Jack after the banquet. In just a few weeks he will be a Webelo!
All 3 of my scouts
And a picture with my future scout as well
My Boy Scout!
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